
Discovering Your Aha!

Become inspired to make better choices for your future health!

Get a private two hour consultation with Elizabeth, divided into three sessions.

Session One where you learn about inspiration and how it is the key to changing your behavior. A worksheet will be given out and you will be taken through a series of questions guiding you to discover your dreams and desires for the years to come.

Session Two will be reviewing the worksheet and learning where you wish to be in the decades ahead. Another worksheet to be done on your own will be given where you will learn how those dreams and desires can be accomplished.

A final review session with Elizabeth to go through the second worksheet and impel you on your way to a healthier and more fit lifestyle so that you can take control of your aging and do all that you want to do into your 80’s and 90’s.

“When thinking ahead using the Dreams and Goals portion of the worksheet, I came up with a surprising answer – so it was definitely my “AHA” moment… In our society, so much emphasis is about how my body looks today, and not about how will I need my body down the road! When I realized I want to not only be around to see my future grand-children, but I want to be an active part of their lives! I want to be that grandparent that can sit and play and take photos all day of my beautiful grand-babies. This keeps me going and it inspires me to think ahead in a positive frame of mind, not dread. Now, how to get Elizabeth to come to my house everyday cause she is so inspiring herself!”

– Kate, 52

Are you ready to Discover Your Aha?

Summit Special: $197 (Regular $297)

“Through this process I discovered not only how I want to embrace my future, but also how to make it happen through healthy choices, and strengthening the mind/body connection. My aha moment? Being healthy is a worthy goal, being flexible is a worthy goal, and most of all walking, working in the garden, and maintaining my independence at 90 is a definite goal. ”

– Ginger, 60