Warming Up with BodSpir® Digital Download
Warming Up with BodSpir® is a series of stretching and contracting moves and positions designed to reach virtually every muscle in your body. This is a digital download. You will get instant access to the CD and booklet online.
Warming Up with BodSpir® is a series of stretching and contracting moves and positions designed to reach virtually every muscle in your body. Now available virtually as downloadable MP3s. Includes a downloadable PDF booklet.
The warm up can be done on the floor or on top of your bed. It is for anyone to gain flexibility and simply help their body move easier. Those suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia or even cancer may find this CD very helpful in keeping their bodies active and moving.
“For many years I required regular adjustments to my neck. Sleeping on my back or stomach caused pain and stiffness in my neck. A body pillow helped somewhat. By the time I turned 77, I felt I had lost too much strength and flexibility. I started working with trainer Elizabeth Phinney and used her “Warming Up with Bodspir®” CD daily. Within a month I noticed that my neck no longer bothered me. I have not needed to see my chiropractor in several months nor do I need a body pillow any longer.” – Gerrie, 77
There are two segments. The first is a 30 minute segment with detailed instructions that will help you learn each position. Together with the photo insert, these instructions will insure that you are making the movements and holding the positions correctly. Once you have mastered the program, it’s time to use the 20 minute segment, where you will simply hear phrase cues to initiate each position.
Relax and create your own body-spirit, or BodSpir® connection!
“After a lengthy recovery from an operation, I found Elizabeth’s BodSpir CD which is so good that now, close to ten years later, I use it every morning. It lasts twenty minutes, with a pleasant music background and her clear instructions how, and what to move. The exercises touch every muscle. At the end, my body (as the disk says) thanks me.” – Agnes, 86